Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tuesday 10 - Channeling my inner geek


Today's Tuesday 10 theme is "10 Geeky Facts About Yourself".  When I first started thinking about it, I thought I'd have to change the theme to "10 reasons I'm not a geek" or something like that.
The only geek-related fact I could think of was that I was an adult before I realized Star Wars, Return of the Jedi, and The Empire Strikes Back had anything to do with each other.  I more or less knew that Star Wars had Luke and Leia and Darth Vader.  I knew that The Empire Strikes Back had Ewoks and I thought they were pretty cute.  Yes, I was a child of the 80s, but I had only seen bits and pieces of them, so I didn't realize any of the characters were the same.  My now-husband was mortified and couldn't believe it.  I guess that could be another fact:  I married a complete geek.  Only that's a geeky fact, so it doesn't work for a non-geek fact.  Anyway, moving on now.

Fact number 2 in my non-geek repertoire . . .
It was like I hit a brick wall.

Time for a change of theme, let's go back to the geek-related facts since I already have two that sort-of fit.

Number 3: (after days and days of thought) Philo T. Farnsworth, the inventor of television was best friends with my grandfather's oldest brother.

Number 4: (This is getting a little easier.)  I once won a game of Star Wars Trivial Pursuit with a friend against our husbands.  That should be permanent membership into the geek club right there.
Number 5: My oldest daughter takes after her dad and has completely embraced geek-dom. I've been pulled along into that world whether I wanted to or not. She introduced me to the Doctor Who series.  We recently found out that the Doctor Who universe is just a few steps away from us.  My sister-in-law went to a year of elementary school with Jenna-Louise Coleman (this season's new companion).
Number 6: Because of my love for Doctor Who, I was just as excited as the kids were to find the TARDIS parked in a nearby back yard.

Number 7: Somehow my husband and I started watching the Firefly series.  I immediately fell in love and am still sorely disappointed that they only had one season and a movie.  There is so much more just dying to be told.

Number 8:  This one is more of another non-geek fact.  I tried to dissuade The Artist from getting an Avengers lunch box, thinking it was too juvenile.  She disagreed and I figured she was the one that was carrying it around the high school every day.  Apparently she's had many people comment on how cool it is.  I guess I'm out of touch when it comes to geeky coolness.

Number 9: I learned just the other day that not all Bat-symbols are the same.  Who knew?
Number 10: Finally, the last and possibly most important geeky fact about me: even my last name is geeky.  It's Batman with an "e" in the middle.

1 comment:

Veronica and Daniel said...

Only 1 season of Firefly is on my list to...still sad about that one! What a fun last name :)