About Me

Hi, and welcome to my little corner of the blogosphere.

My computer programmer husband and I have been married for 15 years.  Our oldest daughter, The Artist, is a high school freshman.  Next in line is The Author in 7th grade.  Our oldest son, Mr. Adventure, is in 5th grade.  Little Miss Sunshine is a 4th grader.  Our youngest daughter, Princess, is 5 and super excited to start kindergarten.  Rounding out the family is our 2-year-old Bugaboo.  
 Contrary to what you might think based on my blog title/design, I don't homeschool.  I don't even teach formally (outside of church), but I am an educator at heart.  I have a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education that I might put to use one of these days.  Teaching is one of my passions and I've always loved the pioneer, Little House on the Prairie, one-room schoolhouse era.  My childhood dream was to become a teacher and teach in a one-room schoolhouse.  This is as close as I got:
(Posing with my kids several years ago at our local pumpkin patch.)

Just making sure the kids get where they need to be keeps me pretty busy, but I'm a regular visitor at our elementary school and a volunteer with the PTA and our church's cub scout pack. I try to make time for me somewhere in there, too.  My family is one of my top priorities, whether it is my husband and kids or the family I grew up in.

I started this blog as a place to share projects I've done, crafts, recipes, etc., that catch my interest and that might interest others.  It's like a one-room schoolhouse because it has a little bit of everything, just like teachers used to have to teach a bit of this and a bit of that to their students.