Friday, November 4, 2011

How did I get talked into this?

Hubby and I have volunteered to be on the Cub Scout Roundtable staff for our district.  About three weeks ago, he came home from the planning meeting (I was playing taxi driver that night) with the news that the ladies were going to do a lip-sync to Aretha Franklin's R-E-S-P-E-C-T to introduce the monthly theme for December.

My mind made an immediate flashback to my first year of college.
{I was in a small group assigned to give a presentation to the rest of the newspaper staff on the difference between blonde and blond.  We decided that we should lip sync to R-E-S-P-E-C-T and the group members that weren't already blonde would temporarily dye their hair.  (I was thinking I was awfully glad I'm a natural blonde and didn't need to worry about changing my hair color.)  But, the local grocery store didn't carry temporary hair dye.  Oh, and did I mention that we only had two hours for the planning and practice?  That's college procrastination at its finest!  With about an hour to go, we decided to see if the theater's costume shop had any blonde wigs we could rent.  We walked over there and found out that since it was for a class project, we could get wigs for free.  So, we all got blonde wigs (mine was a super-blonde Dolly Parton-style) and then decided to get sparkly dresses as well.  Decked out in our blonde wigs and sparkly dresses, we went to class and gave an enthusiastic performance.  I'm not so sure we got the blonde/blond point across, but oh well.  The newspaper advisor told me that I shouldn't ever go more blonde than I already was since I got really washed out.}

So, here I was living that experience all over again only without the blonde wig.

Or so I thought.
I guess I'm just destined to be a blonde!

Anyway, two of the other staffers and I did a fun rendition and made complete fools of ourselves for the enjoyment of all the other attendees.

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