Friday, June 1, 2012

Kids'll keep you on your toes

A couple weeks ago when I was gone to my Woodbadge scout training, Princess decided to try her hand at cutting hair.  She "thought it would look cuter" if she cut the sides.  I wasn't going for the resulting mullet look.
I whipped out the scissors and did my best to cut everything even(ish).  There are still issues around her face, but at least it isn't a throwback to the 80's.
I was shopping and found the cutest pair of pajamas for Bugaboo.  I told him I wanted to take a picture, so this was his response:
His top says, "Mom's 24 hr. Wrecking Service" and does that ever describe him!  He also explored a new career path while I was gone -- mural drawing.  He found a couple markers and decorated the wall near the top of our stairs.  
I don't plan on hiring either one of them in their chosen career path without some more training and experience, but they sure do make life fun.
I guess I'll keep them around for a while. :)

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